It’s our last post before Christmas and last post of 2019! This time of year makes people think about traditions (old ones or starting new ones) and we wanted to share some of our favorite family traditions. Some go back a long ways and some evolve a little every year.
Bake all the things
Ok so this isn’t exactly a unique-to-our-family tradition, but it is something we always make time for and love to do together. Sugar cookies are of course standard, as well as spritz. These days one of us is often trying something new to add to the mix, but none have joined the ranks of tradition yet.
Confession: while almost everything we bake is from scratch, the one thing we can’t do without is canned frosting. There was one year we made our own buttercream (which we do for cupcakes) and… it just wasn’t the same. Also not a fan of royal icing really, so we’re sticking with frosting in a can.
Christmas Eve Pajamas
Every year we got (get?) to open one present on Christmas Eve and it was always a new set of PJs, often made by our mom. Since we have both stopped growing this would make for quite a large collection so we’ve had to cut back on this a bit, but we both love the idea of picking this tradition back up with future generations :)
Movie night
It almost feels like “what is your family Christmas movie?” is both a very accurate way to understand family dynamics and extremely divisive (either between families or within the family). Our dad really likes The Grinch and some of us are ok with seeing that one time. There isn’t a movie we watch every year, but the top contenders are probably White Christmas (duh, sisters, but also this) and Elf. Which might actually be a pretty good way to sum up our family.
We wish you all a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Amanda + Isabelle