Before we left for our trip we posted Travel Tips for planning & packing (which is almost Amanda’s favorite part of traveling). We had the best time and wanted to share a few of the ways we approach these adventures, plus some hidden recommendations for Paris and London :) Whether you have honeymoon plans in the works or are thinking about your next vacation, here is our strategy for planning a great vacation.
Learn a few phrases
This might be one of the first things we try to figure out when planning a trip or early after arriving. Knowing how to say just a few things like “hello” and “thank you” goes a long way with people, even if it’s not perfect! And depending on how long you are staying, you might start to discover other frequently used phrases - don’t be afraid to ask how to pronounce or say something!
Get away from the crowds
One of our favorite Paris recommendations we got from a local who told us to go on a scavenger hunt for all of les passage couverts. It’s certainly worth making sure you hit all the big sites, but make sure to explore some unexpected places too - wander down random streets and see the city in a totally different way.
Try something local
Food often tells you so much about a place, which is why we really enjoy cooking classes. Usually taught by locals, you get to hear the history behind the food and often gain a better understanding of the culture. In London we went to a Sunday roast and are so glad our friends told us about this tradition!
Find a favorite park or beach
Vacations can be filled with a lot of running around, but it’s also nice to make sure to find time to just sit somewhere lovely and read a book or have a snack.
Explore a little history
Depending on your style this might mean reading up ahead of the trip or booking a tour. For us this was an excuse to take day trips out of the city and learn about Amiens and Canterbury - not that Paris and London aren’t full of history! But sometimes going to a smaller town or city can give you something specific to learn about.
What are your best travel tips? We had so much fun on this last trip and can’t wait for the next one!