Supporting local shops we love

With everything going on in the world right now, one thing everyone seems to agree on is supporting small businesses so we can all enjoy them for a long time to come. So we wanted to continue our series talking about local businesses we love and encourage you to think about supporting your favorite places whether you can buy gift card or help grow their social media presence.

Best plants and treats

Come for the plants, stay for the warm cafe and pretend you’re on a tropical island in the middle of winter. It really is the best nursery in Seattle - they have excellent customer service and are always happy to answer all your gardening questions.

Seriously good

There are a few popular ice cream places in Seattle, but Sweet Alchemy gets our vote. The texture and flavors are amazing and we’re so glad to know they are doing delivery right now! If there was ever a time when ice cream was needed, this might be it.

Support the arts!

Now more than ever the performing arts and non-profits that rely on gathering the community together need our support.

If you’ve been around us at all you know how much we love Taproot Theatre. There is something unique about watching a live performance and we appreciate the stories they tell - the arts has such an important place in how we as a community connect and grow. Plus, who doesn’t love a musical :) We can’t wait to get back and see the next show!

Needs no intro…

Everyone knows about Pike Place Market, but people might not think about the fact that it’s a non-profit organization made up of hundreds of small businesses. Their website has great info on how to still buy food and fresh flowers!

Also we have to say that as born and raised Seattleites, we love the market - it isn’t a silly tourist trap, it’s a vibrant market full of history and definitely a favorite spot of ours :)

Pie is always a good idea

We know pi day was earlier this month, but it’s never the wrong time for pie! When we aren’t up for making it ourselves, or just want a slice, this is one of our go-to spots. While they are closed for the time being due to the latest government recommendations, we look forward to patronizing them as soon as their doors reopen and for now we can still spread the word!

Be sure to check out the other posts for more of our favorite small businesses!

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