Our Perfect Picks: Monograms

Wedding monograms have become a lot more popular in recent years and it’s one of our favorite ways to infuse a personal touch into your wedding. There are a lot of ways to go about creating and choosing one so we thought we would cover some of those options.

First, some basics

The standard way to order the letters in the monogram are Bride’s first initial, married last initial, Groom’s first initial. Now of course traditions are changing and so the monogram must be flexible as well (plus if the combination spells something weird, you might want to reconsider your options). For example, many couples won’t share a last name, so just using the first initials with an ampersand is a great option.


Monograms can be more than just three letters

  • Integrate a simple drawing of something that fits with the theme of your wedding, the location or something you both enjoy.

  • If you are going to share a last name, then you could just use that initial with added embellishments.

  • Add the date or ceremony location.

  • Write out your first names and use the last initial, or do the inverse and use the last name with just your first initials.

Consider having more than one

If you end up having too much fun creating monograms, you can have one that you use before the wedding (invites) and one that you use after (reception). It’s probably a good idea to have a common theme that ties the two together, but this could especially make sense if you will be changing to share a last name.

Go crazy with fonts

Maybe the most fun part is scrolling through all the fun free fonts there are and downloading as many as you want. If you’re not familiar with the process here is a quick explanation. There are also many more that cost just a little bit for personal use, but be aware than if you plan to use any fonts for a business you need to check the license agreement.


Use some color

The most straightforward way to add dimension after choosing a font (or two) is to use color and likely you will want to bring in the wedding colors you’ve chosen. Consider creating both color and black & white options at this point so when you start thinking about how you’ll use it, you have some flexibility. Which brings us to…

Think about how you want to use it

S&T willow.jpg

After you have created a bunch that you like, it’s important to consider what you plan to do with your monogram. If you’re going to have it projected somewhere, cut out as a cake topper or for a window decal… the versatility of the design is important to consider. If the letters overlap a lot and rely on color to distinguish between them or the font is so delicate it doesn’t hold up as a 3D object, then it might not be a good choice if you want to do anything other than have it printed. Also make sure to test out how it looks printed very large or very small, if the design is too intricate it might be hard to see if you want to use it on small tags and not just as a large poster. But again, you could have a complicated and a simple version that serve different purposes.

Getting technical

For many purposes (and for most of what we have done), these designs can easily be made and used in PowerPoint. However, if you want to send it to a company to have it printed you might need a higher resolution image and therefore need to create it in something like Adobe Illustrator (which we now use and love). It’s not always the case, but something to be aware of.

S&B Monogram_final.png

We hope this was helpful if a monogram is something you really want and didn’t think you could do on your own! Plus, if you are one of our couples we’re happy to talk about adding this to your wedding package (especially if you just need help creating a high resolution file). Happy creating!

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Travel Tips: enjoy & explore

Before we left for our trip we posted Travel Tips for planning & packing (which is almost Amanda’s favorite part of traveling). We had the best time and wanted to share a few of the ways we approach these adventures, plus some hidden recommendations for Paris and London :) Whether you have honeymoon plans in the works or are thinking about your next vacation, here is our strategy for planning a great vacation.


Learn a few phrases

This might be one of the first things we try to figure out when planning a trip or early after arriving. Knowing how to say just a few things like “hello” and “thank you” goes a long way with people, even if it’s not perfect! And depending on how long you are staying, you might start to discover other frequently used phrases - don’t be afraid to ask how to pronounce or say something!


Get away from the crowds

One of our favorite Paris recommendations we got from a local who told us to go on a scavenger hunt for all of les passage couverts. It’s certainly worth making sure you hit all the big sites, but make sure to explore some unexpected places too - wander down random streets and see the city in a totally different way.


Try something local

Food often tells you so much about a place, which is why we really enjoy cooking classes. Usually taught by locals, you get to hear the history behind the food and often gain a better understanding of the culture. In London we went to a Sunday roast and are so glad our friends told us about this tradition!


Find a favorite park or beach

Vacations can be filled with a lot of running around, but it’s also nice to make sure to find time to just sit somewhere lovely and read a book or have a snack.


Explore a little history

Depending on your style this might mean reading up ahead of the trip or booking a tour. For us this was an excuse to take day trips out of the city and learn about Amiens and Canterbury - not that Paris and London aren’t full of history! But sometimes going to a smaller town or city can give you something specific to learn about.

What are your best travel tips? We had so much fun on this last trip and can’t wait for the next one!

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Color Inspiration No. 5

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Classic interpretation - as much as we like changing it up, keeping it simple with white and earth tones might be our favorite


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10 year wedding update: Part II

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I wanted to start by saying, the big take home message for anyone planning a wedding should be: you’re planning a wedding for this moment in time, so choose what feels like you right now. The friends you have, the food you love, the place that makes you happy. Inevitably your tastes might change with time and you’ll make new best friends, but that’s all ok! Plan something that feels like you as a couple and it will be the right wedding for you. If you read one of our earliest blog posts you know about the best wedding planning advice we received, it really made it easier for us to envision a day that would be ‘us’.

I’m sure it would look different if we were planning it today, but I think the core of it would be the same. Here are 3 of my favorite choices we made and 1 thing I would change if I were planning it today!


Just a bit of drama

There were some things we knew we wanted right away and decided we just weren’t going to compromise on. For Ben, a good DJ was at the top of the list. I wanted a long train and a long veil (and a really nice friend who helped get us this shot). Can you believe the 🙌 emoji didn’t exist back when this photo was taken? It’s basically how I feel about it.


DIY the things you enjoy

Real talk: Ben was in another state while we were engaged and my job had pretty regular hours and not a lot of stress, so I had a lot of time on my hands.

I designed and made all the paper products for our wedding: tri-fold invites (very popular at the time), programs, menus, candy boxes, table numbers… and I still love how they turned out. I also enjoy paper crafts in general, so this was very fitting for me. If there’s something you like to make/do/perform/whatever, add things where it makes sense for you.


Do a little dance

I’m really glad we took dance lessons. I might also be glad that there isn’t any video footage of our first dance so that it can live on perfectly in my mind, but I’m pretty sure (and Isabelle promised me…) that it went well. We didn’t want to do a cheesy or over the top dance, we just wanted to be able to do a simple ballroom dance so we could enjoy it and not feel nervous swaying back and forth for 4 minutes (which is totally ok to do, but, see above, we like just a touch of drama). Bonus: we also learned how to properly dip, which made for lots of great photos.


My only regret…

First of all, looking at this photo, somehow we hadn’t figured out that we need to be on the other side of each other because, bangs. Moving on.

There are a few small things I would probably do differently. I loved my dress! But maybe I would choose a different style now. Loved the flowers! But maybe would go for a wildflower aesthetic. But actually, one thing I really like that become more popular since we got married is the variety in bridesmaid dresses. It just never crossed my mind because it was so standard for everyone to wear the same thing. And even when the trend started, the goal was still to have the colors match. Now I would totally embrace a spectrum of color or maybe even a pattern! But definitely let them pick dresses they liked (or maybe even already owned).

We hope you enjoyed this look back with us and maybe if you’re in the middle of the planning process yourself, feel a little encouraged that it will all be ok :)